We hired Diane to lead a session at our most recent sales meeting on Leadership with a Growth Mindset from her Fire Starter Series.

The subject matter was excellent and thought provoking causing all of us to ask challenging questions of ourselves in terms of raising our game.

Diane herself is a very strong facilitator. She keeps things moving along while allowing enough time to make sure the coverage is thorough. She bonded extremely well with my team. I would recommend Diane and her work enthusiastically.

– Paul O’Mara, IDexperts


Diane is a superb coach who brings an ease of style and a collaborative approach that helped me maintain my focus and accountability on a variety of projects. Her creativity and emotional intelligence shined light on the bigger picture when minutiae got in my way.

– Mark H.


Diane can really handle the entire range of the human experience, from deep emotional motivations to very practical steps to help get you where you want to be. I highly recommend her if you are feeling stuck in any area of your life.

– Erika R


Diane works with professionals to help them reach the next level of success. Through her consistent, practical strategies she has helped focus me this year on attaining even greater success. I would highly recommend Diane to either help you launch your career or a tune up to help regain focus. She has an amazing attitude and calm demeanor, perfect for the busy professional.

– Denise P.


When I joined the Turning Point Strategy book club I felt my creativity was in a serious slump and uncertain how to shake it off. Reading Martha Beck’s ‘Steering By Starlight’ with Diane and the other women in the group, I was able to work past it and take a clear inventory of where I was and how to set my course. It’s truly amazing what can happen in just a few weeks when you put six women in a room.

– Rachel B.


Diane gives you the ability to take charge and create the life you want offering much more than dedicated professional support. The driving force and critical edge of her coaching push you to learn and apply crucial knowledge about yourself, while creating a nurturing space for inner growth. A well-needed catalyst at a personal and professional crossroads, our partnership boosted my self involvement to take charge and purposefully start turning my vision into reality.

– Lawrence D


I highly and wholeheartedly recommend Diane as a personal coach. I entered into what I thought would be a relatively short engagement to get some perspective on professional and personal obstacles I was facing. Diane caused me to think about these obstacles in a way that I had never looked at them before.

Through very hard work and creative thinking on the part of Diane, I have managed to completely transform my life in just one short year. This was by far the hardest work I have ever done, and at times it was very uncomfortable. Diane’s consistent and warm confidence in me, when I had none in myself, is what kept me moving forward.

Diane’s approach to coaching is one of movement; she is constantly challenging me to create tasks and actions that keep me focused on the end goal. Not once did Diane allow me to wallow or get stuck in my self-defeating sadness. Diane would let me feel the emotions, recognize the “why”, and then use the emotions to fuel positive change.

Today I am brave, powerful, and self-confident. I would say that it is due to Diane, but Diane would want me to say that it is because of “ME”… and for the first time in my life, I believe it!

-Heather S.


Diane just led a leadership session for our diverse 35 member nonprofit team that surpassed all expectations. She inspired, entertained, and really got us thinking about how to lead the life that we want to be living, at work and at home.

I’ve already seen changes in how our staff are relating to each other, and seeking first to better understand each other’s values. I was also personally touched by her words, and motivated to make some changes in my life.

If you want to reward your team with some great personal and professional development that will help advance their careers and your organization, I’d recommend Diane.

-Steve Messinetti, Portland Habitat for Humanity


I recently found myself on an emotional roller coaster. Having left my all-consuming career in public accounting, I threw all of my extra time and energy into my family in some attempt to make up for lost time.

My oldest son and I had a relationship closer than most – talking daily and doing outdoor activities together on the weekends. Fast forward a year, my oldest son has gone off to college and fallen in love for the first time. I found myself completely unnecessary and from my perspective ignored. Every moment of this past summer spent with my son was tense and full of anger and frustration. I missed him and the relationship we had before the girlfriend.

Four weeks before my son left for his second year of college, I called Diane to help me gain perspective and control of my emotional roller coaster. She was able to help me see the root of my anger and frustration. She called me out when I starting making excuses and helped me see “myself” again. Just prior to my son’s leaving for school she facilitated a meeting between the two of us which gave us the opportunity to gain a better understanding of how the other felt and our relationship was able to begin the healing process. I have been able to give my life more balance and have allowed myself to put myself first. I’m not healed, but I now have the tools to give myself perspective and move forward in a positive direction. Diane is personable, professional and was able to help me get results. I am confident Diane can help anyone who is willing to be honest with themselves and do the work. 

– Resa K, CPA


I am honored that Diane chose me as a reference, she is a very talented individual.  Diane spoke for about 100 veterinary hospital managers last October in Nashville.  We had several conversations prior to the engagement to discuss topics and she also reached out to the other leadership speaker we had to ensure their programs were in alignment.  Diane was organized and her material was shipped to the hotel on-time, well put together, and easy to use and follow during the lecture.

Her topics around leading with your personal core values in mind and defining your leadership philosophy were interesting for the group to think about.  Often times we talk about different ways or phrasing to use for specific situations, but have never focused on leading from this angle.  While I coordinated this for the managers that work for me, I personally really enjoyed the presentation and find myself repeating a lot of what Diane said. Defining my own core values has also helped me become a more effective leader.

We sent out a survey about the meeting and I thought I would share a few of the comments about Diane’s talk from other participants.

·         Even though it was challenging, the internal reflection was quite valuable
·         I expected just another “change” seminar. This was so much more different! Really made you dig deep into your own self.
·         VERY insightful! One of the best presentation I’ve attended in a very long time
·         I enjoyed her views on leadership and plan on using some of them in my own management skills.
·         True self evaluation is a hard thing to do. Diane made it a little easier

I have recommended that other leaders in our organization use Diane as a speaker for their trainings as well.

-Bethany B., National Veterinary Associates